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Monday, May 05, 2008, 6:07 PM

好怀念 Y

It's a wonder how time manages to pass so fast and in a flash, it's going to be a year from 13slc. & Soon, 13slc will only be part of the legacy and overtaken by 14 slc, by the future. All I can say is thank you for the memories :D

Today had been a truly math day :] I did math most of the lessons, haha. CME was unusually lame and time wasting. We went to the Primary AVA to watch "When a Man Loves a Woman" which is not exactly a very good show. We wasted a lot of time as the family lounge was barred due to the primary exams and we had to take the long route. The teachers had technical problems too and the air conditioners were not switched on. Try staying in a hot, humid and stuffy room for half an hour with about 100 students in it. Fatal.

Biology was total stonage and stupid molly went to pick me to answer her question. I admit I was talking but I didn't see why I should answer her question since to her, people who don't pay attention are stupid people. We tried to prove her wrong before, but she didn't get it, so this time I just kept quiet and played dumb. Yayness.

I handed in most of my math homework except for AM31 TYS since I don't have the book. All the way for the differentiation test on thursday which I doubt I'll do well, but I'll try my best :D Plus, biology SPA for O's is tomorrow. FULL MARKS!

Not much tests for this week, except for a huge Geography test next week which will be really tough! Mugging, I hope.

I can't wait for 14slc and Jubilate, Anticipation!

Sunday, May 04, 2008, 9:04 PM


Our Energiser's Freaking Cute!

Let's Do it soon!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007, 6:53 PM

i shall type a proper post today.(:

ok.. where shall i start? actually i dont know la.

i feel like changing my blog url and blogskin! ok that's pretty random. but yeah. and perhaps i'll make it kind of private? but thats so weird for me. urghs.

im super proud of myself. i got 21/25 for geog test. the previous one i got 19/25. so it's a great improvement. and for the first time in my life, IM TOP IN CLASS! whoots~! cant believe myself la. i failed geog for two consecutive years and now.. bliss..

and rahh.. im so going to give up my sciences. i suck at science. sheesssshhhh.

oh and im a facil! facil facil! so nice of vivian to rang wo.(: thank you! yayness!

i cant wait for the june hols to come. not because of the camps, but because im desperate for the time where i will not see ms quek. seeing her everyday is like hell!

i cant think of anything la. :/ rahh.. other time la.

Sunday, May 06, 2007, 12:10 PM

havent posted in ages. havent really used the computer. nothing much except that i got sick on friday and was freezing like mad. early dismissal so i could go home and sleep and go for midsummer's night dream. was fine so i went for it but it came back afterwards. 39.3, was quite faint but luckily eehui's mum fetched us from amk mrt station. if not i'll faint. argh.. sick of pills la. 5 pills. yuck. and my throat feels as if the pills broke into pieces and attached to the sides. sheesh. nothing much to post about la. cant think.

Saturday, April 28, 2007, 9:36 AM

which is last la!

escorting was fun. with free entertainment from nicole.(: it was so sudden in the beginning la. because we were carrying stuff to the viewing gallery then all of a sudden mrs goh said,"oh.. isnt that miss choo's car?" AHH! so we ran all the way to the forum and it was raining and she had an umbrella, we didnt. hoho.
then the stuff started and i was dancing to the music and miss jeya was laughing and she said i was animated. which is the truth.
then the guests had reception! BUFFET! so we brought them to the mep room and they asked us to eat.:D dont need to eat bread. whoots! and it was yummilicious!
then the guests went back to the viewing gallery and we brought the jb girls over. some of them are really nice.(: and one of them left her stuff on the chair so i passed it to her teacher.
there was a guzheng in the mep room! so fun! i want to learn but im musically dead.):
sent miss choo to her car after that. and she gave me a hug because i carried her crystal cup!
this year's sports day wasnt as fun as before but i actually prefer this than being on the specs stand. encore!(:
p.s i cant go to the hwachong slc. RAHH. cant stand it. the nominees for exco have more opportunities. cant you see that they're RELUCTANT? gosh. i hate the BIASED pmb.
p.s.s i saw her!(: gosh.. she just appeared in front of me. GOSHGOSH.(:

Friday, April 27, 2007, 8:54 AM


and green, we've got to buck up or we'll get last like two years ago. WE WERE CHAMPIONS last year so we cant get last this year! so jiayou!

although im like not going to be in the contingent (rahh. im sad. i want to do the cheer and the family dance!), but im going to be supporting you all morally!

and yes, if possible, im going to cheer along, anyway there's four green house peeps with me. not like jiemin and nicole, only yellow and blue. cheering makes them look weird.xP


Tuesday, April 24, 2007, 8:02 PM

so many things can happen within two days.. (:

lets start with chyifang darling's birthday. she didnt have a party but i sent her an sms! and passed her a prezzie today. hope she likes it.. kind of cheapo la but im not rich so yeahh..

as for 200 pound beauty, it was fantasticfabulous! super nice. went to lido on monday, it was a holiday, with eehui, vivian and si'en to watch it. so sad tancheng cant make it.:( if not the day will be near perfect. anyway, we watched the fantastic show with fabulous songs which made us laugh ferociously LOUD. and it seems like we're the noisiest. the show wasnt just a comedy, but a romance as well. made me cry at certain parts because i thought i could kind of relate to it. xP then after that we went with eehui to her dental appointment then went over to the esplanade which was kind of a random decision. just walked around and went to marina square. walked around and had ice cream at macs with loads of chocolate fudge requested by eehui! then we were talking to pure and innocent si'en about stuff. yeah stuff. and she was super slow.
went to the toilet and this eehui's feet were sore from her wedges so i swopped shoes with her. and so obviously my feet are fatter thus, suffering more pain than her in a shorter time. oh wells. im a nice friend. and we bought keychains!(:

and yes! i got full marks for amath test! though lots of people got it but im super satisfied with myself la! but now, there's the emaths test which will change my mood. but i shall live with the present and not look forward to the future!(:

and today's sports day rehearsal was fun. i was supposed to be the guest of honour la! but that mrs cheong snatched it from me.:( anyway, vivian, jiemin, three primary girls and i were the escorts! four green house and one blue and the other yellow! GREEN GARRISON! though i agree we were terrible this year. but we shall lose with style.XD and i got perfect view. will be with the guests and guess what? the people who are performing are performing for... the guests! SO IT'S LIKE FABULOUS VIEW.

then there was a talk after school about shen diao which i didnt read or watch. so i was kind of lost but the speaker was hilarious! so was quite fun la.

now im looking forward to sports day and city duathlon! WHOOOOO!

Sunday, April 22, 2007, 9:03 AM

was super fun!

woke up in the morning and huipin's dad fetched us there. i was supposedly following roxanne but since huipin was kind of earlier so i followed them which caused them to make a u-turn and further delayed jamie's departure time.

reached there at 9.30 and went to change into the shirt provided. BIGBIG tee. anyway, smart me was the only one wearing shorts and slippers. perfect. i was supposed to be in the same group as them-- drink station 3. but drink station 1's people were all kind of late and they had only four people. so i sacrificed myself to join their group. and gosh, i can still see the looks on the librarians faces. oh wells. but i guess it was worth it. VERY WORTH IT. made new friends.(: and that is like one of the best thing on earth.

anyway, then we set up the station and the late people, who were from hwachong appeared. and that is, right after we set up every single thing, which is a lot-- cartons of 1.5 litre bottles, cartons of H2O, tables, ice boxes, and 9 bags of 18kg ice. and they just popped out after that and to make it worse, they kept all to themself, so antisocial.

then we got to know each other more: felicia, ziyin, jixiang, weeloong. fun people. and felicia's from peirce! NEARNEAR! serving the drinks were quite fun and eehui and jesmine joined us after they finished their swim marshal duty, since the swim was only in the beginning of the race. and as usual, st nicks people are super duper SOCIABLE and made friends with my team members. and i started the 'water games'! super fun splashing on each other especially JIXIANG. hahahs. then everybody got wet and we realised that the only person not wet was the one who 'ordered' us around--FELICIA! so we started attacking her! was so so fun. then we had to pack up and we realised that the hwachong people somehow sneaked off while we were fooling around and left us to pack up on our own. WOW. fine. stuck up people.

after packing, we signed out, exchanged numbers and everybody left. eehui and jesmine wanted me to go home by bus with them but i didnt want to go home so soon, so i stayed to play with ziyin and waited for the librarians and hitched a ride home. i waited for about 45 minutes and stoned there la. but by the time i reached home, eehui called me aftter 20 minutes and she was still on the bus! wow..

anyway, the biathlon was super fun and seeing people run makes me want to run too. but sadly, im not that fit. xP and i signed up for city duathlon too! yayness!

Friday, April 20, 2007, 7:01 PM


i just realised how much i love sweeping the floor.
i just realised how dirty our class is.
i just realised how the markers go empty so often.
i just realised how many newspapers there are.
i just realised how much stuff we leave in school.
i just realised how much dust the green board produces.
i just realised how many sweet wrappers are flying around.
i just realised how many forms are lying on the floor.
i just realised how many shoebags are in the balcony.

i just realised how lucky i am to have nice friends.
i just realised how nice my three charitian friends are.
i just realised how gorgeous isabelle made the esplanade to be.
i just realised how spastic vivian and eehui are.
i just realised how nice it is to meet ella at j8.
i just realised how tough it is coping with life.
i just realised how much i miss you.
i just realised how much i love you.
i just realised how tough it will be just to forget you.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007, 6:16 PM

here it goes all over again.

just realised so many people are writing diaries so i shall do it. again. haha! the previous few died. and so many people are decorating their school diaries so i shall too.(: go with the flow.. not copycat ok?xP

yesterday i was a super guai girl! I DID MY MATHS HOMEWORK! AND A FEW AT ONE GO SOMEMORE! i feel so man zu.(: this is like a MIRACLE because i havent been doing my maths homework since sec two? actually since primary school la, depending on the teacher. haha!

anyway, today was kind of fun. i brought loads of sweets and titbits and they just halved in quantity when i came back from higher chinese lesson. oh wells. my class is just like that.(: i was super SPASTIC today. acted STUPID like the whole day la! and made everybody laugh at me. but that makes me happy too.(: though it may seem humiliating to some people, it seems fine to me. being the clown has a good thing, i wont really be that outcasted. they'll accept me more. i love secondary life. it's so different from my primary school life. it saved me from being an outcast for my entire life. and all this changed after i landed up in-- one purity 05'xDxD

after school, vivian and i went to j8 again (kind of routine every monday and wednesday). wanted to go study but realised that we have to buy someone her present! so we did! and there was popular sale so i bought cheap cheap notebooks. AHH. this shows how much of a notebook fan i am. HUGE FAN OF NOTEBOOKS. but no money for the super nice kinds. shall stick to the cheap ones for the time being then, anyway, they satisfy me all the same.

suddenly, i miss my EYECANDY. even though i just saw him like last week? haha!

and cheong yeeyin ah! stop saying that he's my boyfriend la! mr seth tan talk about going steady then you tell like the whole class?! get it clear:
one. he is NOT my boyfriend.
two. he is NOT my type.
four. i dont like him.
five. i got my girlfriends k? cannot betray them.

and lets emphasize it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE MY GIRLFRIENDS.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007, 8:55 PM

SCORPIO - The Addict
EXTREMELY adorable. Intelligent. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humour.Energetic. Predict future. GREAT kisser. Always get what they want. Attractive. Easy going. Loves being in long relationships. Great listeners. Talkative. Romantic. Caring. One of a kind.

not totally correct but yeah, i know im adorable and obviously i love to joke and have a good sense of humour. im the clown remember? i am super energetic or what you can say hyper or zi high. im quite easygoing and i guess i am a good listener due to the fact that im always on the phone for so long. and that sort of also says that i talkative and that's the TRUTH!
as for the others, i shall not say any further.

freaking pissed and sort of disappointed. or should i say, very very disappointed. not that i had high hopes, but it's just that, i sort of have the intuition that we'll make it. and i know we will but the thing it, everything just starts crashing down, and piling up on me. the emotions is just overwhelming. i just dont know how i really feel adding to the confusion. i dont know whether to blame you or not. it's just not your fault, perhaps it is because you were a bit too foolish on your part to start making decisions on the last day. but seriously, i dont know whether to forgive you or not. i did not say that you did not do anything at all. just that, i really worked quite hard for this. ive stayed up practically every night. hoping to buy raw materials cheap, only to stop when i realised i was neglecting my school work. but everything just ended abruptly, without me knowing, at the last minute, that our chances were gone. i knew we had a 90% chance of getting into the semifinals, and get our cca points, and all of a sudden, it became 0%. and what i cannot understand, or accept, is that zhuwei's group who only played for two days or so and gave up got in and we didnt. FINE. i just have to accept the fate that we're just unlucky.

this competition really made me understand isabelle more. and pull us closer together. and it's not that we're ganging up against you. but we really dont know how to accept the fact that you ruined our hard work. and thanks to isabelle, i love the esplanade.(: i want to go to the esplanade, now have to plan my schedule because i have to go to esplanade with both isabelle and vivian!

two very important people are having their birthday soon. guess who? :)

Thursday, April 12, 2007, 8:42 PM

WHOOTS~! we didnt really do very well but i guess overall it was fine!(: and the costumes for the girls turned out really nice and the guys looked like girls still. haha! and the hair gel didnt work because as we were the first group, we had to stand and get ready and the curtains were to be drawn. super hot and was perspiring like mad. like pouring! and we were so nervous and lijie and i were like kind of slow for the beat. but according to the audience, caralyn and dawn were a bit too fast. but still we won! quite a big surprise to us since we were really quite last minute and we didnt do that well. but this time the sec three charity showed that we can do it!(: and the people in the cultural performance group(polish dance): furball, beckie, qimin, christine, sheila, huishan, blanche, valentia, caralyn, dawn, lijie, faith, stephanie and last but not least, ME. hahahs. and a lot of people were staring at me because of my pants. BRIGHT ORANGE. urghs. and lijie forgot the dance steps and she was stoning there.xPxP but i loved this though i got dizzy. but yeah, THREE CHARITY ROCKS.

had to run 5 rounds for PE. dont really recall my timing but it was either 11.09 or 12.09. not bad considering the fact that i was super tired from running yesterday and dancing. and i felt kind of dizzy as well. but yeah good job to me. and we trained arm today by hanging on the bar. was too tired and couldnt really do it. then we did standing broad jump and woahs! i jumped 162!! first time in three years or perhaps four! whoots~!

for cca today was quite slack la. rushed to arrange the tables and chairs and mpr and mrs sherwood was having her lesson. then after arranging, i went to the father barre with roxanne to welcome the serangoon secondary people and they were late by more than half an hour. and they came from avenue two gate instead and we had to run all the way there. stupid people. then the mpr couldnt be used because the dumb ld people snatched it away though they didnt book it at all. urghs. waste my effort. HATE LD. then just slacked in the library room and gossiped. the library jacket cant be done! and I STRONGLY OBJECT TO LIBRARY TEE! and guess what, IM THE ONE DOING THE TEE/JACKET. goshh. whats the whole point? i wont even wear it to cca. wont even want to change into it. i think walking around in library tee and pe shorts is yuck. UTTERLY DISGUSTING. but what to do? i have no say at all. oh wells.

i changed my phone! not new one la. my auntie bought new phone then gave me her old one. at least better than my laopok one. this has bluetooth kay?! hahahs. and yayness! my father asked me whether i wanted his n70 or this samsung one. chose the samsung one because the n70 is just going to rip my pocket further. my pocket has a big hole.. ripriprip.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007, 8:59 PM

once i find my motivation, i will cherish it and treat it more important than my life, whether it comes in living form or non-living form. why? because i took ages to find it. im taking like fifteen years to find that motivation to live life with an aim, it may take longer. but who cares? im so going to treasure it when it comes knocking at my door.

anyway, tomorrow's international friendship dance and im so going to screw it up. and my partner dont even want to practice seriously. i dont mind because im always making a fool of myself. she'll lose face totally, not my problem either. i was being serious and trying my best. and she just took the whole thing as a circus act. fine. and im so going to puke tomorrow, or maybe get so dizzy that i faint. :/

today was a terrible day and i dont want to talk about it. and.. when did my days turn out good?

feel like changing my url. but it seems that im starting to grow attached to this blog url. not like the previous few.

the competition is dumb. it's fine again. so dumb. and we havent sold a single car. so lan. DIEDIE. and some idiotic people are not contributing. why? because they say they dont know how to play. THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A TEAM EFFORT. NOT A PAIR EFFORT. though i'll prefer if you two didnt touch it at all. at least ask about it, NOT BLAME US WHEN WE HAVENT SOLD ANYTHING. you two better get out of my face.

there's library tomorrow. i better remember to go and arrange the tables in mpr. i better remember to go welcome the people coming here for friendly match. i better remember to go watch my fair lady and help out. i better be sure that i arrange the tables by 3.30 and be at the screening at 2.45. and i am sure that that is impossible.

and my speech wasnt supposed to be today! it's tomorro's first spreaker! but we had time so i did my speech too. AND I WAS SO NOT PREPARED. and i screwed it up and started trembling like mad. GOSH. THIS MAJOR STAGE FRIGHT IS KILLING ME.

and andrea pang said maybe all of us will go for the slc and some of us might be facils! SO COOL! andrea, MEMEME! I WANT!:))

and i desperately want to change my phone.xDxD

Monday, April 09, 2007, 10:02 PM

gosh. in less than 30 minutes, all because i clicked refresh, the same car was made TWICE. and money was spent TWICE. NINETY MILLION FROM OUR TWO HUNDRED MILLION GONE. i hate this dumb game. so lan and so DUMB.

Sunday, April 08, 2007, 3:42 PM

im super pissed with myself. i just cant bring myself to do work. 真是死性难改!

anyway, so so sorry to vivian, my dear dear one and only best bestie.. so sorry for sounding so cold to you and the phone. so sorry for sounding so pissed all the time. so sorry for everything.

going through a really difficult time now. a mental fight with myself. like the devil and angel fighting inside. this will be a really tough fight and both 'teams' have good defense skills, im not sure which will emerge as the winner. but i sure hope it'll be the angel. but being in this class can be really demoralising. and having demoralising teachers, it's a lot worse.

Saturday, April 07, 2007, 7:00 PM

ive decided that i shall get an L1R5 of 10-15 by the end of the year. so i'll get perfect score by next year!XD because it's sort of the trend. people who do well at the end of sec 3 rarely do well in sec 4. so i shant do too well. though it's already quite a challenge. and i dont know what's up with me. all the study-talk but no action. something like that la. perhaps i'll get my motivation and my goal soon. it's horrible living without an aim.

i love love library! so fun talking during cca, ive realised, especially with the young ones. and laughing at the astroboy scrabble teacher. hahahs. and hearing us shouting from one point to other point. quite fun la. and library is so not quiet during cca. why? because librarians are interactive, or you can call it talkative.XDXD and it's really hilarious la. but library is getting fun with the juniors!:)) especially the sec ones in the english group.xP

, 8:23 AM

at times like this, i guess i should just accept her. she's quite ok actually. i should be more neutral towards her. and also, i sort of agree with her. but i really cannot control myself. talking is like my life, my mood. my besties know my mood from the amount i talk everyday. when i talk a lot a lot, it's either im very happy or im very sad. and i always believe that one day, all this talking will stop, and i dont want to waste the time to talk now.
she was betrayed but in my case, i sort of got pulled into the fact that i was the betrayer. every year the same thing happens and it's always none of my business but somehow the blame was always put on me and i became a betrayer. and somehow i miss them a lot a lot. sometimes i think of them really a lot, but us going back together, impossible. but im happy enough to know that we have a past and that is something worth for me to look back on and im happy that i remember the details clearly in my head.
at times like this, thinking of the darlings-dears-dearies cheers me up. thank you to all of you-- vivian darling, eehui darling, si'en darling, tancheng darling, thalia darling, vanessa darling, dorcas darling, delphine dear, joan dearie(gay), yanlin darling, ann yeoh dear and chyifang dear. just realised how many darlings-dears-dearies i have but im glad i have them with me. ((:
and all of a sudden, post-psc blues are back.


i forgot LOUISA DEARIE!! anyway, there's also LOUISA DEARIE AND OLLIE DEAR!

Friday, April 06, 2007, 10:03 PM


went for cultural performance meeting today. thought there'll be lots of people but not really la. only got furball, dawn, qimin, caralyn, sheila and huishan. we gathered at kebun baru cc then huishan and sheila went off and the rest of us went to furball's house. got the dance done after the whole afternoon. like from one to six thirty? five and a half hours. wow. i felt quite left out though since they partnered each other but i was fine looking at them dance and giving remarks. i wasn't really left out but i was feeling kind of awkward since i thought they might find me kind of useless. sorry guys. anyway, our dance is really difficult to remember because the steps are all so so so similar and so twisty and turny. we'll all go topsy turvy and get flung down the stage! kidding.xP but it's quite cute la. hope it turns out nice!
before that, i brought megan and tancheng to eat my father's noodles. hope it's nice though i thought today's noodles was not up to standard. :/ but oh wells.
im so looking forward to some stuff which i dont even know. i just feel that something's going to happen.(: hope it's good though. but somehow i can tell that it wont be because i can picture ms quek making me cry. again. why must she repeat history again and again? leave me alone la.

Thursday, April 05, 2007, 9:27 PM

today was such a fun day sitting with deborah and yeeyin! how ironic! haha!

and the pmb photos are up on the board! and i look like a happy lee kuan yew declaring independence! and delphine look like a really nice dad with three kids! so kawaii!

actually nothing to blog about. except the fact that someone's going to sao mu and pangseh-ing me. pissed la!

though i dont mind going to eat with tancheng in the morning, perhaps, then go kebun baru for dance! polish dance! whoots~! fun!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007, 10:02 PM


go ahead and laugh your heads off. my tablemate is just so special. so special indeed. i really have loads of fun gossiping about her infatuation with miss seow and that's seriously a hot topic during gossips. kai kou bi kou also miss seow here, miss seow there. also not like im crazy over miss seow.
and seriously, have you ever heard of something called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. it's my problem if i want to talk. none of your business. ive been putting up with your 5 vulgarities in a sentence of 10 words. why? because i believe in freedom of speech. so shut up and close your ears.
think that you're very attentive during lessons arh? beatboxing during lessons? wow. that is very very attentive. fantastic. and im super happy that you're aiming for a seven for o levels. then thats good. because i know you will never ever reach that target. and that's good news. and i bet this is going to make you work harder. that's fine with me. because you are seriously non-existant in the entire class. eh no.. you ARE existant but as a PEST.
and my friends are all precious to me, even though they might not treat me like their good friends. i just like big groups and not the same old friend though i still need my trusty ol' friends like vivian, eehui, si'en and tancheng.
and im so not going to bother you anymore. that is, if you ignore me.XDXD

, 9:13 PM


dont be too sad about syf ok?:))

and st nicks got gold for CO. not gold with honours but not bad le la. better than copper or brass for ccs.(a lame thing la)

and im starting to hope that i'll fail o levels. and i dont want to go jc, dont want to go poly, just want to stay at home and start rotting. im a person who cant take pressure at all. like almost 100% cant take it. and now you're putting pressure on me and seriously, it is DEMORALISING. fine la, since i dont even think you think about what i feel. so just continue lecturing me practically every single day. gosh, im starting to hate you. and hate is not a wonderful feeling. and thanks to vivian and eehui! love you loads. and that, love, is a wonderful feeling.XDXD

this week is officially the emo-est week ive ever had in my entire life. freak.

i dont see the point in doing all these
learning all these
going crazy over everything
when it's just going to end

Tuesday, April 03, 2007, 6:20 PM

this is my 103th post. i blog quite frequent as i can see, taking into consideration that this blog was started on the 10th of october. wow.

kind of emo these few days but im fine. and it's really very fine. been very happy today except for the fact that my tablemate keeps pissing me off and the sight of her irks me and i cant concentrate. i must learn how to pretend that she's invisible. then i'll be ever happier. and im learning to appreciate stuff around me. perhaps. a little bit though.

though i cant get my mathematics right yet, i shall try to be a 80% guaikia. but that's super duper tough for me because im a person who lives every single day of her life like it lasts forever. but i must try la. but i still need time to relax. so 80% guaikia is fine for me. i hope.

whoosh.. today is si'en's birthday. and though our present is not very very great la, it's the thought that counts right?


and i just oh-so-happy that i can skip english and house practice.xDxD though i'll much prefer to skip social studies.xP but sui bian la. i dont want to be in school. will be nice going out of school with isabelle though esther and clara are coming along.((: and my gay's birthday is coming soon! and i want to go and watch movie with her and stella su on thursday but ive got cca!:( sighs.. and i dont pon my cca though im not passionate about it at all.

oh yeah. and:
whoots~! you're great! hope you get into the top few and have the chance to sing on national tv and give me tickets to go watch you! hahahs! must remember me! though i doubt she'll see this. hahahs. though lynn got out, lynn, you did a great job too! in fact, as long as you've tried your best, you'll have no regrets!

Sunday, April 01, 2007, 9:41 AM

it's not that im feeling stressed.

it's just that i can't face up to the fact that i've become so dumb.

Saturday, March 31, 2007, 4:57 PM

slc photos!

done up by karon! found it on her blog. loads of photos. go have a look!

in this life our love
is in our hearts to see
though people change the future's
still inside of me
we must remember that tomorrow
comes after the dark
but i got something trapped in my heart
so i got something to say
whenever you come
whatever we talk
and i'll be right here waiting for you

Friday, March 30, 2007, 9:56 PM


im in charge of registration and i love love such events! and it was sort of a bonding event too. whatever event which involves the pmb board is a bonding session to me!(: and eehui helped out!(: seriously, she's GREAT! she was in charge of registration too.(: she should be a PREFECT! go go go, MRS CHAN NOMINATE HER! anyway, had loads of fun gossiping with charissa in the library before going to the canteen. and had fun doing duty with DD aka Delphine Dear! she looks quite fierce la. but she's not and her fingers are all injured from the report books!:(

the whole thing was quite tiring with all the carrying of report books and stuff. especially doris tan's stuff. she thought that since im in charge of her class for assembly, i should help her do everything too. URGHS. but im a nice person so i shall help.xD then we went to put stuff in the teachers resource room and it was super dark and DD was acting brave and she's super cute la! then we realised we took grace report books, which we were not supposed to. so vivian, eehui and i went to take and it was so dark that vivian and i started singing all the way like mad people. hahahs!xD then after the meeting, the parents went to the classrooms and vivian and i walked to every single class to give the form teachers the name lists. so nice right? i knew it.

all of us were mad la. acting crazy outside the drama studio and we were shh-ed so many times la. OOPS. actually once only. hehh. and we took a besties photo with charissa's phone. waiting for her to send us! YIPPPEEE!XDXD

Thursday, March 29, 2007, 7:44 PM

i love love my sec one juniors. especially the english group people.(: even though i'm not in english group, i really had fun for the past two cca days supervising them. sec ones are real cute. i love sec ones.(:

i really pity her and understand what she's feeling. true enough, ive experienced it myself. but nothing can be done. so i came up with the conclusion: ignorance is bliss.

i changed place already and guess what? im sitting with victoria and YEEYIN. im fine with victoria but you know how irritating yeeyin is? SUPER DUPER IRRITATING. gosh. im so going to SUFFER.

im looking forward to tomorrow's meet the parents session. will be doing registration and ive never tried that before. SO FUN!(: i just love such events where i usher and help the parents or visitors. i love interacting too.(: i think im going mad la. hahahs.

and not to mention, i owe ms quek LOADS OF MATHS HOMEWORK. :/

i hate MATHS.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007, 6:20 PM

dont know what to post. just felt like posting. oh wells.

i think i did the right thing today though i think it's kind of bad la. but it's unfair to those who actually bothered. i desperately want to change group la. and im getting very pissed about everything la. cant be bothered about you all le la. a bit she's so nice but you take advantage of her. no point la.


whatever. and eehui arh. vivian show you her mediterranean group picture is to show you her group mates. NOT TO SHOW YOU HENRY. and for your dear dear information, HENRY IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND. i think you dont understand me enough la. (: i act scandalous only. but im not like what you think lor. tsk tsk. XP and i would like to emphasize, HENRY IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND.

and vivian, even though i have a fetish for botaks la, *AHEM* is not included.

aiyohs. i think my besties are super cute. and i've decided.



Monday, March 26, 2007, 8:46 PM


the song got stuck in my head after my sister started going crazy over fahrenheit's yan ya lun. but it's quite cute. i only like the ai dao, ai dao part. hahahs.

i hate sexual education with seth tan la.

" Man gives love for sex and women give sex for love. It's perfectly okay if it's the right relationship." Quoted from Seth Tan.

if this is the case, if i think im in the right relationship, i should just have sex with the guy many times to get lots of love. wow. i need love now. so should i go geylang and find a guy who's willing to pay to have sex with me? will earn money somemore. wow. i think my form teacher is GREAT at teaching cme la.

had shotput heats just now. damn funny, out of three throws, one out of range, one foul. and still can get in finals. and i also anyhow throw de. so pro eh. hahahs. tomorrow have javelin heats. also dont know how i get in javelin and shotput de lor. also never go for tryouts. they're really desperate ah..
i love love love my scandal partners. and sometimes i look at joan, i feel so much stress in her la. like so tired. sighs. cant do anything to help too. love you joan.<3
did this during english cos i was being kind of emo. and it's not this ugly la. scan out become like that. i like my handwriting there. (: and i suddenly thought of chyifang so write her name lor.(: like miss all the unity people but like what i've said before. there's always that age gap there so yeah. sadd. UNITIANS UNITE.

Sunday, March 25, 2007, 11:49 AM


went out with vivian and henry. charmaine was supposed to go but she couldnt make it because she sprained her ankle. :( anyway, we met at 10.50 and that is super early la. because charmaine actually had something on in the afternoon so we wanted to watch stomp the yard at 12 to qian jiu her. then she couldnt make it and we realised the show was at 12.55. so we were roaming aimlessly and ate at subway. ordering subway was super funny because this henry kept popping out of nowhere. hahahs.

the movie was nice.(: quite cool la. but their zhao pai dong zuo very funny. hahahs. then henry fell asleep. because he woke up too early. and he looks cute with glasses.(: then after the movie we walked around la. and walking around with a guy is very weird. because they tend to feel a bit left out since vivian and i wanted to go to weird shops. like some kiddy shop and art friends. then henry kena told off by the employee there because he was fooling around with everything. and he damn funny la. when he touch something, something else will drop.

so we went roaming around taka and then took mrt home. chatted on the train since we sat to marina bay and back. and i was super happy because his stop was choa chu kang and i was stopping at woodlands. you ren pei le. hahahs. then we chat lor. then i vivian alighted so did i la.

and yepp. scandalous friendships are fun and ive lost count on how many i have. OOPS.

we're just not meant to be
so lets just give it up
or you'll just start killing me
all over again

Friday, March 23, 2007, 6:20 PM




L1R5: 30


SO FREAKING PISSED WITH MYSELF LA. but yay! i got 14 points for cca le. good for a fulltime slacking librarian.

by the way, titus, i didnt mean it when i said i would pass it around. it was just for entertainment la. i dont bother at all. i dont even want to know.XP so dont need to be so kancheong. just thought it would be fun to extort it from you. sorry.

Thursday, March 22, 2007, 8:32 PM

OMG. i hate myself so much now. i get OBSESSED over tiny things. i was so INTERESTED in doing my maths and i went BALLISTIC after i realised i made a mistake in the second question and i realised i did not have COREECTION TAPE OR FLUID and i simply GAVE UP.

FREAK. i hate myself. i was in the library doing a very busy job. editing the sec ones' plus some new sec twos' book reviews. was quite busy as a lot of them were all over the place and a lot of them needed help so i was trying to maintain order and help everyone in 'distress'. and editing the works were fun. though it was very busy but it was really satisfying when everything was done. a sense of ACHIEVEMENT. that's one thing to like about myself. i love being busy in the library.(:

i realised how freaky it feels like to have somebody calling you on the phone:
:hello. 猜我是谁?
oh gosh. henry can be so so scary. i only recognised the baobei la. because i never heard his voice before. unless you count his sissy voice during the concert. hahahs. but he's kind of random la. it was a pleasant surprise though. including the baobei part.(:

im getting super emo nowadays. cried for a whole hour yesterday. over my own stupidity. over my home. over my MATHS homework because i couldnt find a place to do. and over everything little thing in life.

i seriously want to love myself
but it seems to get harder and harder everyday.
how can i love you when it's a challenge
just to love myself?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 6:29 PM


school's started and i finally passed a maths test and that is after failing about 6 or 7. whoots~! and im going to start working hard for my studies as i finally realised time's passing really fast and to achieve my straight As for o levels, i got to start working on it now. but gradually that is since i cant do it just yet. oh wells. tough work for me but i shall give it my best. hopefully.

vivian: so so sorry that i kind of laughed at *ahem*, but i didnt really mean it la. just thought it was funny. the statement was funny not the person. so yeah.

and yay! we're going to join the virtual business competition and we'll be going to hwachong for the briefing on the 4th of april. so cool! hope we win the competition though. *cross fingers* but yeah. i'll have fun. and im so so so so so happy about it. vivian knows why! hahahs~!


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